Sunday, May 25, 2008

Rock You Like a Hurricane!!!

Yeah, that's right, we went to the Scorpions concert the other night. It was awesome. I know everyone is jealous. It was actually very interesting. I saw a crowd like I've never seen in Dubai. I'm used to laborors, locals or snotty expats. At the concert I saw a crowd like you would expect at a "hair" band concert. And, the alcohol was flowing, which is usually a no-no in Muslim countries. The only places you see alcohol are the hotels. I don't know how the concert venue got permission. If people want to buy alcohol here, they have to get a special "alcoholics" license through the government. The legal blood alcohol level is 0. If you are caught driving drunk it is immediate prison time, which I totally agree with. By the way, I'm ashamed to admit that I have 3 Scorpions songs on my ipod - pathetic, I know. Anyway, here a couple of lame pictures:

As good of a picture as we could take from our seats.

A lovely picture of Nick and me. Not quite a sell-out crowd, as you can see.


Marti said...

When Tone read this he just laughed...first of all because the Scorpions were in Dubai and secondly, because you guys went! :) I don't think I even know who the scorpions are?!

JW said...

Tell Nick to quit trying to be so skinny. Let the fat man inside of him free.