Friday, September 14, 2007

Comfort Foods (and products)

Last week Rosy met the mother of Cole's buddy Caleb while eating lunch at the Mall of the Emirates. They came to Dubai from Louisiana and as it turns out they enjoy many of the same things we do: peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, Lucky Charms, Dr. Pepper, etc. As they talked Rosy told her how she missed having a freezer full of Kid Cuisines for the boys to eat. Rebeca looked at Rosy with great excitement and told her about a store that has "everything." The store is called Safest Way and obviously tries to market itself like Safeway in the states. The funny thing about this story is that we had driven by the store several times and loved to make fun of the store's cheesy attempt to look and sound like an American supermarket. Lesson learned, if something tries that hard to catch the eye of an American then we should check it out.
Below is a picture of our treasures. I'm sure you can all imagine just how pleased Cole was to have his microwavable chicken nuggets again. And just so you know, not having that little bottle of McCormick chopped onions nearly drove Rosy to tears on several occasions.


Marti said...

Rosy! Dubai, huh? I got your blog from my mom. Your boys are so cute! I can't believe you have 3 kids now. It's been too long. I don't think I've seen you since your first was a baby. Anyway, it sounds like you're living an adventure every day! Keep in touch.

Annie said...

I'm glad to see Rosy found herself some Bounty paper towels...they're the best!! Brett looks like he is heaven.

Sally said...

Oh....the things we take for granted. Thanks for sharing.