Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Back to school

The boys officially started school this week and as you can see from these photos they have to wear uniforms...tie and all. The ties are affixed to an elastic band so they are not too uncomfortable. So far they don't seem to mind too much. On the days they have gym they wear navy blue athletic shorts and a light blue polo. They also have swim class every 6th day.

This picture is taken from the back door of the elementary school. The building in the background is the Middle School/High School. The campus is separated by a soccer field (we will never give in to calling it the football pitch) and a track.

Outside of every classroom is a set of lockers for the kids to put their stuff in. The boys think that is pretty cool.

There are about 20 kids in each class. Bret's teacher is Ms. Dansinghani. She was raised in Manhatten and attended NYU. Cole's teacher is Ms. Lakin from England. He also has a TA named JoJo from the Phillipines. Only about 30% of the school is from North America. It's fun to walk down the halls in the morning and count how many different languages you hear. Bret studies Arabic every third day so hopefully he will soon be able to tell us what is really being said on Al Jazeera.

Nick drops the kids off on his way to work every morning and Rosy picks them up. No small challenge when you consider that Cole's day ends at 12:00 while Bret finishes at 2:45. She and Drew spend a lot of time on the roads.


Lori said...

Hey kids,
I'm not stalking, I just have to keep up with the Wiseman clan...
I can't believe you live there. That is so freaking cool! What an experience. And you are one up on me, at least you have an IKEA! Have fun while you are there.

Sally said...

They are so... cute in their uniforms! I love seeing pictures of them. Thanks for including pictures of their school - I feel a little better. Drew is his usual happy self - what a great smile. I still think Rosy should have her own driver and a maid!Thanks again for the update. Love to all, Mom

JW said...

That's awesome the kids are learning arabic. When your family gets kidnapped your kids can let the terrorists know when you guys need to use the bathroom or want a glass of water.

Nick and Rosy Wiseman said...

Good to see Joe pop by...nothing like making a joke about your nephews getting kidnapped to start your day off strong.