Saturday, March 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Cole!

Cole's 5th birthday was a few days ago. Wow, those five years have gone fast! Nick and I took him to lunch at the Mall of the Emirates, which is right next to the kids' school. We went to Johnny Rockets and then to Magic Planet, the indoor amusement park. We spent a couple of hours there until it was time to pick up Bret. We finished the day off with cake and presents. Here are a few pictures:

Cole celebrating his birthday at school. He's in the middle of the circle wearing the birthday crown. Tazim, a boy in his class, and Cole have the same birthday.

Lunch at Johnny Rockets.

Cole driving a bumper car. That's a blurry Nick in the background.

Cole on another ride all by himself. We were literally the only people there at 1 pm on a weekday. It was quite nice - no lines.

On a side note, the day after his birthday, Cole went to Ski Dubai (the crazy indoor ski slope at the Mall of the Emirates) for a field trip. The kids had fun sledding, tubing and having snowball fights. Cole has never spent much time in the snow so it was fun to watch.

I'm trying to get a couple videos added, but it's not working right now. When my IT guy (Nick) gets back from the US (and yes, I am jealous - he called me from Target yesterday and I told him to kiss the ground) we'll figure it out.


Jen said...

I love the way you write!! I'm willing to kiss the ground at my local Target for you too. I worship it just as well.

Ritch in Love said...

Love that amusement park! How fun is that for Cole to have the entire place ALL to himself! Totally cool!

Sally said...

He looks older in the pictures. I miss him so much. Wish I could've been there.

Suzanne Meeker said...

I remember how much you loved the snow up here - hopefully the indoor snow park isn't as cold! We're having a warm spell right now and things are finally melting!

I'll worship at Target this week in your honor!

Annie said...

What fun B-day! I can't wait to see all your boys in July!! Joe is trying to figure how to make sure our baby is a boy that looks, acts and talks like Cole. Your passover post cracked me up.

JW said...

Do they serve cous cous in johnny rockets?

Marti said...

So cute. Is Johnny Rockets the place where they are purposely rude to you? Or am I thinking of someplace else? Anyway, it looks like every 5-year olds dream birthday!