Thursday, January 29, 2009

Laci at 3 months

Here are some pictures of Laci at 1, 2 and 3 months. I always take my babies' pictures on their month birthdays their first year in the same spot to see how much they change and grow. It's amazing how much babies wake up the first few months of life.


Ryan and Rikke said...

So cute! Thanks for sending the pictures of her in that dress. I can't believe how blue her eyes are! I apologize that I've been such a slacker about e-mailing you back. One of these days I'll get around to it.

Allie, Tony, A.J., Adeline Wiseman said...

I didn't think it was possible to get any cuter...but evidently the proof is sitting on your couch. I am really jealous that you get to kiss those cheeks. So fun. Say hi to everyone!

Ritch in Love said...

Oh she is just too huggable!

Cori P said...

Hey she has hair!! Well at least alot more then you and i had at that age! Such a cute one though looks alot like Drew

Suzanne Meeker said...

Nick and Rosy, Laci is absolutely adorable! I love catching up with your blog, while suffering the coldest, snowiest winter since you were up here last! Brrr from the frozen tundra! Enjoy! the Meeker's