Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Dubai Mall

The kids had a day off from school last week so we headed out to see Dubai's newest attraction - a new mall! Dubai needs another mall as much as it needs more sand. But, this mall is supposedly the biggest in the world. Inside the mall is the largest aquarium in the world. And, this all sits right next to the tallest building in the world. You get the idea - this place is insane. Only about half of the 1200 stores are open and these are all the same stores that are in every other mall here in Dubai. I just don't get it. There is one plus for us, Dubai's first Taco Bell! We had our Nachos Bell Grande and soft tacos for lunch. It tasted just like any other Taco Bell. We walked through the shark tunnel at the aquarium and the kids loved it.

Tacos and nachos for lunch - note the Taco Bell logo in Arabic


Jen said...

Awesome. I love that you are out and about with four kids, and I used my fourth as my excuse for always staying home. You are a supergirl! I'd love to check out the huge mall. Dubai's need to prove things with grand size buildings is hilarious. I bet you're having fun there!

Sally said...

Did Nick actually walk through the sahrk tunnel with you? I didn't see him.

JW said...

Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't Nick have a job that would prevent him from making mall trips during the week? Silly mom.