Saturday, February 9, 2008

6 Quirky Things About Me

Alright, my friend Marti tagged me and I'm going to buckle down and get it over with. Jenny (Larsen)- I know you tagged me a couple months ago and I just blew it off - sorry. This will just have to count for both tags because I hate writing about myself. So, here are 6 quirky (I guess) things about me:

1. I have a weird obsession with license plates, which is why the last post intrigues me so much. I memorize them. I do this with phone numbers, too.

2. I'm always cold.

3. I bite my fingernails. I hate it so bad and have tried to stop many times but can't. If I could just make it past that first week to catch a glimpse of how lovely my hands would look with fingernails I might be able to, but I just can't do it.

4. I blast the music in the car when I'm by myself, which isn't very often.

5. I have to be the first one into bed after I have washed the sheets. I love it the way they are all nice and smooth. Nick knows this and tries to beat me, but I usually win.

6. I'm a little (ok, a lot) psycho when it comes to food expiration dates. I toss any food right before the date. With milk, I'm really bad because I can't stand it to begin with let alone any where near the expiration date. Here in Dubai, it's nice because not only is the expiration date required on every item, so is the production date. I know how long things have been sitting on the shelves. And, the milk here always expires 5 days after the production date. None of that 10 day business like in the States, which I don't trust anyway. Wow, I really am weird.

Well, there you go. I can't think of anyone else to tag. Everyone in the blog world that I know of has already been tagged, so if you read this and want to tag yourself, go for it!


Marti said...

Yea! I'm so glad you did this. I wasn't sure if you would or not.

I used to bite my nails all the time. I got acrylic nails for a while and you can't really bite those so I kind of got out of the habit that way. Unfortunately, my nails/hands aren't very pretty even without biting my nails. Oh well.

Anyway, thanks for being a good sport and doing this! I think they are so fun to read!

Jen said...

Finally! Hey it's fun to see what people write. I knew the one about the nails, I'm with you on that one. I didn't know about the expiration dates. You were probably totally disgusted when I unloaded all my food from our refrigerator/freezer before we left NY.

Amber said...

I have a sister who is the same way about the expirtation dates. She checks them all as she is picking out her food at the grocery store. It is not a weird thing though, I have tried to check them at the store, but it didn't go so well, with the kids running all around me at the store, I was lucky enough to grab the right thing off of the shelf let alone check the expiration date :)

p.s. I just realized my profile didn't link back to my family blog, so I fixed it, and it does now, check it out if you want.

Sally said...

Rosy, does that mean I should be throwing out some of the things you bought last summer??????